Breaking The Stereotypes Challenge

Attention Everyone!

Even though I am just one person in this entire world, I believe that I can change the world. In order to do this we need to break all stereotypes. Unfortunately, there are a countless amount. There are racial stereotypes, beauty stereotypes, body stereotypes, mental health stereotypes and many more. Since it would be really hard for one blogger to tackle on all of them by their self, I decided to make it a challenge. I have teamed up with another blogger to break these stereotypes. The link to her site will be in this post and you should check it out. As far as the challenge goes, I will invite five bloggers to join in. When responding to this challenge the rules are simple. Non- WordPress bloggers can also get in on this. The rules will be at the bottom.

Rule # 1-

Follow my blog

Rule # 2-

Link this post in your response

Rule # 3-

Write about a stereotype and how we can change it

Rule # 4-

Challenge 5 other bloggers

My Response:

There are so many stereotypes about a woman’s body. Whether it has something to do with hair or clothes or any thing else. The one I am going to talk about is weight. For some reason people think that you need to be skinny to be beautiful. That is 100 percent untrue. Beauty comes from within. Beauty is when you see someone struggling and help them, not for attention but because of your heart. Big girls, skinny girls, and average weight girls are all what at the end of the day? GIRLS! No matter what they may look like. If someone tells you that you are “ugly” or “too fat”, they are most likely going through a hardship in their life where they have a low self-esteem. With this in mind, tell them off. Let them know that they will never break you down to bring themselves up. Everyone is beautiful.

The 5 bloggers that I nominate is

Are we there yet?


Non-Wordpress Blogger Rules

Rule #1-

Email subscribe to my blog

Rule #2-

Follow my Instagram

Rule # 3-

Nominate 3 others to join the challenge



I hope to see your responses and let’s make a difference!



The Liebster​ Award

I was nominated for a Liebster Award, by Patty

I couldn’t be happier that Patty nominated me for this award. I literally just started blogging, and to be nominated by someone as awesome as she is unbelievable.


The Liebster Award….



I still can’t believe that I was nominated for this and even though my life has been really crazy right now, I am so so grateful.

What is the Liebster Award?

Please click the link below to know more about the award.

The Liebster Award: The Official Rules + My First Blog Award and a Few Personal Secrets Revealed

Rules for Accepting the Liebster Award:

1. Display the award on your blog.
2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you, including a link to their blog.
3. Answer their questions.
4. Nominate 11 other bloggers you feel would enjoy blogging about this award.
5. Ask them 11 questions.
6. Let them know you have nominated them.
7. List these rules in your post.

Here are the questions from Patty:

1) How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for around two months.

2) Who inspires you to write?

I inspire myself to write.

3) What country do you live in?

I live in the U.S.A.

4) Do you prefer the Prompts, for inspiration?

I like the prompts because they make you really think, but I also like my own ideas.

5) Do you play a musical instrument?

I used to play the guitar a long time ago but now I can’t lay a single note.

6) Do you listen to audio books?

Sometimes, but not as much as I read straight from the text.

7) Do you listen to music, when you write?

No, not really unless the people I live with are being super loud.

8) What is currently …your favorite song?

I think my favorite song right now is “Pray” for my good friend Sam Smith

9) Who is your favorite recording artist?

I don’t really have one.

10) Do you like to cook?

I love making breakfast and baking cookies.

11) Do you live alone?

No, I do not.


I nominate

1. Let’stalkdepression

2. A Hundred Falling Veils

3. lifewithlilred

4. My Blessing by Grace

5. beccapbeauty

6. Perserve

7. Mummy Thomas’ Blog

8. thepsychogrok

9. Joy Stokes

10. richardbessy

11. thegreenchia


Questions for nominees to answer

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What motivates you to write?
  3. How long do you like your posts to be?
  4. Are there any bloggers in your family?
  5. What is your favorite book?
  6. Who is your favorite blogger?
  7. Do you have a Youtube channel?
  8. Do you like to guest post blogging?
  9. Do you write along?
  10. Is there anything specific that puts you in the mood for writing?
  11. If you could interview anyone in the world and feature them on your blog, who would it be?liebster-award-e1512945039849

Martin Luther King

I wanted to take the time out to write about this legendary icon. In fact, I felt compelled. I owe it not only to Dr. King but also to our society. How could I not acknowledge someone who has done so much for me, my family and the entire world around us? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the many people who made a difference for not only blacks but whites as well. He had a dream that we would one day come together as one and we did. If only he could now see today how much good he has done in all of our lives. This man was never once selfish. Dr. King sacrificed his life so that everyone after him could have a better. As far as judging him based on his “character” I must say that he is one of the coolest people I know. So many people think that wearing your pants down low or showing your bra through your shirt is the definition of “cool.” Cool is when you put others first and stand for something that will be meaningful and important to someone other than yourself.

Here are a few quotes from the King himself.



10 Fashion Essentials For 2018

The wait is finally over! Okay everyone, here I am with my first fashion post as I promised. I assembled 10 rocking wardrobe pieces that will make your 2018 style on point! Here is the list of the items you will need in order to slay this year.

1-  A Belt

A really cute belt is always a good thing to have in your wardrobe. It can make even the simplest outfit pop. For an example, a basic white top and a pair of jeans can you make you seem like an ordinary “Joe” but if you have a crazy belt on you gain a good amount of attention.


2- Bulky Necklace

A necklace is another item that can transform you from a “plain Jane” to a superstar. Even though any bulky necklace will do, I prefer gold ones. When a bulky gold necklace, is paired with a nice black shirt short or long-sleeved, it’s always an immediate fashion statement.


3-  A Ripped Shirt

Ripped shirts are always good to have in your closet. They have the ability to make you look totally chic or edgy depending on whatever you decide to wear with it. The flexibility is amazing in whatever style you have. Ripped shirts are also amazing because it is so easy and quick to throw on with no effort. This is a great way to look awesome with great comfortability.


4- Cropped Hoodie

Cropped hoddies also have the advantage of comfort. They can be tight or oversized and still look great at the same time. Hoodies alone are great lookers but with the cropped element, you can add a sexy flare easily.


5- Leather Jacket

Leather jackets are always Killer! They have been around since literally forever. There are so many ways to personalize them. Whether the jacket is plain or if it has crazy rhinestones, as long as you are sporting one you clearly came to slay.


7- White Shoes

A nice pair of go-to white shoes is a MUST to have in your closet. They go with almost everything. There isn’t a single outfit that you can’t wear with these bad boys. Black, blue, purple or any color really can match up with white shoes to make you look good.


8-  Trench Coat

“Trench Coats” will always add an element of class to your look. All you have to do is stick your arms in the sleeves and you will instantly turn into a big FASHIONISTA!f82027b7596df517038c583b95b8e9cf


9- Jeggings

Everyone in the world probably knows what “Jeggings” are. If not prepare to be enlightened. These pants are definitely the new jeans. They are super stretchy, unlike regular jean. They also help give your body a bigger “pop” than a regular smegular pair of jeans.



10- Thigh High Boots

These boots have been a popular trend for a while now. They are super cute and fun but at the same time, you can make them really hot. If you want you can also get the boots with a chunky heel. If that’s not good enough, some even come with stilettos.


What are your wardrobe essentials?

Thank You

Wow! I can not believe that our “Litty Committee” reached 30 followers in just my second month. This is incredible and could not have happened without all of you. I am working on my content and improving my word count. I hope you will stay tuned in and continue to grow with me on this journey.GettyImages-185002046-5772f4153df78cb62ce1ad69.jpg


This image is from 

How To Evoke Your 2018 Resolutions

via Daily Prompt: Evoke

Have you acted on any of those “New Year New Me” resolutions? To be frank, 90 percent of you have not. To be honest neither have I. Why not? Well, there are several reasons for slacking off your goals. That is why I compelled a list so we can all evoke these awesome plans.

Step 1: Get Motivated

This is one of the easiest things to do. All there is to it is finding out the reason you decided to get this accomplished in the first place. Another way to get motivated is by thinking of the rewards you will have. Will it be the brand new game station or to have the best leap in ballet class? Whatever it is, just focus on the reward. The last way to get motivated is by finding someone with a similar goal to yours. It is always best to go through something with someone else. The only difficulty with that is making sure this person has the same mindset as you. Don’t get caught up and drag yourself thinking you NEED someone. This is just another attempt at motivation so if it isn’t working, cut strings and do what is best for you.

Step 3: Create A Vibe

Creating a vibe or mood is an awesome way to boost these resolutions. Whatever your goals are they will probably take hard and quality work, right? Well, your body and mind both have to agree with what you want. If you are in a funk or a crappy mood, chances are you won’t be in the mood to work. If you are in the mood for it, most of it will be pretty sloppy. It’s okay if you have been feeling really bummed out because it’s so easy to get a good vibe going. The easiest way is to play music. Whatever type of music you like. Even if it is a punk rock song, as long as it can get you happy. Another approach you can take is using candles. Just pick your favorite scent, dim the lights and relax. Candles are also super cheap even though you might already have some laying around. Reading is another cool way to calm yourself and just zen out for a while. My last way is by taking a bath soak. Most people take showers and only take baths when they want to feel good or special. I know for a fact from experience that this definitely works. There are countless of ways to create a good vibe if you want me to create a IMG_1997IMG_1997specific blog post about it. Let me know in the comments. 🙂

/It took me a long time to make this so I hope you all have enjoyed this post. Like, comment and share please./

Do you think you can evoke your resolutions now?

Blessing Bags

I was on Instagram when something really caught my eye. It was a bag with a couple of  things that everyone could use in these hard and cold times. There was a scarf, hat and glove, a big bag of chips, underwear and a couple of dollars inside a bag. I thought that this would be such a great idea for the homeless or any person you may know that might be in need. This so easy to do and it could make the world of a difference to someone in need. You can gather all these items for a really cheap price at your local dollar store. You can even add more items such as juice, water or anything else you would like to include. A hand written note is an awesome way to make your “Blessing Bag” personal. Hopefully this winter me and my mom can get out and do this good deed for others. Everyone should participate if they can If you feel like you might have to go out your way, you do not. Most people go to work or school or even to the store. While you are commuting to this places cary a couple or even just one. Even if you can not you should try to make at least one person smile today. Get out there and make yourself and others happy.



Updates and Thanks

Hello everyone,

There are several new and exciting things coming to this blog this year. One of them for sure will be better grammar and punctuation. (lol) Even though I am still a very new blogger, it is time to step my game up. Another thing that will change is how much time I put into my website. I will be taking a lot more time to read my posts before launching them and the extra time will also help me richer content. Different genres of topics will be introduced to “ThebeatwithKey” as well. This blog will be a place where every different person can enjoy it. This will include posts on fashion, celebrity gossip, advice, new and upcoming talent, humor, LGBTQ, women, creative writing, African-Americans and other cultures, spiritual posts and last but not least: motivational pieces.

I just really wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who has and will support me in the future. A really special thanks to all of the people who has been there for me while I posted these 20 rough posts. Thank you for encouraging me to continue my writing and better myself. I also want to thank my readers for over 200 views this month these past couple of days. God is really opening doors for me and I appreciate everything Have been given.

But I’m Only 15

It felt like time stopped along with my heart every time I saw you

You know those childhood memories that held our sacred bond, right

Well adolescence has taken over full control

As if it was a shredder determined to ruin every particle

Now there’s nothing left but rips and tares of the love I thought I had found

But I guess my heart will break a couple more times because I’m only 15…
