How To Stop Procrastinating In 2018

There is a countless amount of times that I have procrastinated. Whether it’s in acting, school or creating a blog post, we all do it. As someone who is extremelyyy unorganized, I probably do it more than most. This year I have decided that if I want to be successful there is absolutely no more room for procrastination. I have gathered a list that we can all use to eliminate this huge problem.


Planners have been around for as long as I remember. At first, I did not think that they were worth purchasing, but then quickly realized that was not the case. Most of the successful people I know are definitely not procrastinators. Can you guess one thing that they all have in common? They all use planners. All of the 4.0 students in my sophomore class use planners. They help keep all of your affairs in tack when you forget something. Not only can planners be useful, but they are also very fun. With the use of different color markers, stickers, and sticky notes, not only will you be getting your life in order but you can have a little party while doing it.

2.  Set Alarms

Alarms are also very helpful. With an old-fashioned alarm clock you probably only set one alarm to wake you up. If your alarm clock even has the function to set multiple alarms, you most likely wouldn’t even try just so you can eliminate and keep all of the confusion to a minimum. Now that there is updated technology, we don’t need to use the traditional alarm clocks.  If you have a smartphone ( which most people do), then you can easily set more than 5 alarms. They can be minutes or days apart. You can even title them so whatever you need to be done, your favorite singer can alert you right away (depending n the ringtone you choose).

3. Make A Friend

Friends are also a really good way to stop all the procrastination. Friends are people who motivate and encourage you to be better. Friends are supposed to empower you to do great things. Friends are also people you can do things with other than just fun activities like the movies or skating. They help you accomplish your dreams and when you are putting in that hard work doing it and not talking about it, they are right there alongside you.